Goal Setting...It's that time of year!
Dec 03, 2020
I think we can all agree that we are ready to say farewell to the challenges of 2020, and are excited to welcome the opportunities of 2021. The beginning of the year gives us a chance to assess the prospects of what lies ahead for our practice…It allows us to focus on the future.
One of the ways we can set our upcoming year into motion is by engaging the team in setting and attaining Practice Goals. We do this first by having a unified vision, thus giving direction to the practice and providing an appropriate structure to navigate the daily operations.
A shared vision allows for staff accountability, minimizes office drama, and reminds everyone of our core values.
Setting goals can seem overwhelming and burdensome. But it does not need to be that way! The process of determining goals can also be a great team building exercise by allowing every member of the team to have a voice and share opinions on what is important to them and how they can contribute.
Start Small
Limit the number of goals to encourage focus and gain traction in a positive direction.
We want to achieve success with our goals. Once a goal is successful it gives the team momentum and motivation to create another goal…and another…and another.
If this the first time your office will be setting goals, start with 3-5 that cover different areas. Selecting unique areas will ensure that team members, no matter their role, will be able to have a positive influence on the results. Engagement is key to success when it comes to achieving goals.
Goals should be S(Specific), M(Measurable), A(Attainable), R(Relevant), T(Time-bound).
Even the best intentions will fail if goals are not written and COMMUNICATED with each person who has the ability to affect the goal. The goals should be so specific and well known, that each person can clearly articulate the shared direction.
Be Transparent
Post the goals in a shared team space, typically the breakroom or if possible where the daily huddle is held. Be open, not only about progress and positive movement, but also where efforts are falling short. Have discussions around how efforts can be tweaked. The better the understanding between each person the better they can use their unique perspective to offer solid and impactful suggestions.
Be Accountable
Progress on goals should be discussed frequently. The exact timeframe will be determined by the goal. If the goal is measured daily, discuss it daily! A daily goal to increase productivity or decrease cancellations, should be highlighted at the morning huddle, allowing staff to celebrate or reassess techniques based on team input. If your goal is a longer-term goal then weekly or monthly may be appropriate. The only way to insure reaching a successful goal is to make it a part of your regular communications.
Be Consistent
Keep your eye on the goal. It can be frustrating for a team to spend time on the goal setting exercise to only have it forgotten in a month. Keeping the momentum going is no easy task but definitely WORTH IT!
Don’t Forget to Celebrate
After your practice reaches a goal, stop and celebrate the “Win”, Do something special for your team to show appreciation for reaching the shared achievement.
Recognition of the “WIN” goes a long way to keep momentum going for the next goal.